Recreating Engelbart’s Chorded Keyset

In 1968, Douglas Engelbart demonstrated a revolutionary computer system that included, among other innovations, a chorded keyset —a five-key device that allowed one-handed text input through combinations of keypresses[1]. The keyset is an input method that never gained widespread adoption, and remain commercially unavailable.

Fascinated by this historical interface, I embarked on a journey to recreate and experience Engelbart’s chorded keyset firsthand. The project evolved through multiple prototypes, each iteration bringing me closer to understanding the unique affordances of this input method.

My first attempt used basic electronic components on a protoboard, using simple push buttons wired into an Arduino pro micro:

A protoboard prototype showing five push buttons arranged for one-handed operation, with basic wiring visible

The next iterations improved the buttons, by using ice cream sticks and microswitches. It also included LED light indicators for different modes: keyset-prototype2b.jpgkeyset-prototype2a.jpg

Then I built a simple enclosure and painted it: keyset-prototype3a.jpgkeyset-prototype3b.jpg

The final design

While researching about the keyset, I learned that the XEROX Alto computer —developed years after Engelbart’s demo— also had a keyset[2]:

Xerox Alto with mouse and chorded keyset - Computer History Museum

So, I based my designs on that one. For the next prototype, I took the measurements of that version of the keyset and made a 3D model in FreeCAD:


Then, I printed it (using a 3D printer), and assembled it:


Closing Thoughts

The code and circuit diagram can be found on GitHub. I developed it using C++ and Ruby, with automated tests for the character entry logic.

I’ve found that recreating historical interfaces can give us the ability to experience them in a way documentation or videos can’t convey. While the chorded keyset may not have become the standard input device Engelbart envisioned, experiencing it firsthand provides valuable insights into alternative interaction patterns, and makes us think about the complex factors that influence technology adoption.

  1. The keyset was mainly used to trigger commands while navigating with the mouse. You could also use it for one-hand text entry, although the keyboard was the preferred input device to write text.

    For more information about the chorded keyset, you can visit the Doug Engelbart Institute website. ↩︎

  2. Some images and specifications are provided by the Computer History Museum here. ↩︎